My Shop

For the latest projects, take a peek at my Instagram.



My 1930’s Southbend lathe is both a joy and royal pain! I restored it to working order; It still acts like an old man.

I’m elated to say that my Southbend has been replaced by a PM-1340GT Engine Lathe!


My Bridgeport clone is the latest addition to my shop. I cleaned it and rebuilt the head. Perhaps this machine leaves my RF-45 open for a CNC conversion?

3D Printing

I was gifted an Ender 3, Now I can print all the things! I prefer to use Fusion 360 for CAD work, and simply Cura to slice.


I have all the essentials, and mostly know how to use them.
Modern Table, Miter and Band saws. Plus a moderate assortment of hand tools.Most of my wood working projects are commissions for various custom coffee accessories. Check out the Ventus’ cosmetic mods.


In addition to grinders, belt sanders and alike, my go-to welder is the AHP AlphaTIG 200x. In all honesty, I don’t have much time under the hood, but I can’t wait for my next welding project!


I have plethora to say about coffee and espresso machines; They are the heart of my shop.

My Daily Grind